
Source Products From Vendor Websites 4 Times Faster

Save your team countless hours sourcing products, images, and information from their favorite vendor websites.

Gather's Clipper Tool Product sourcing with Gather's Clipper Tool is easy...

Never go back to copy-pasting furniture & material information to Excel sheets again.

If you and your team are still copy-pasting information from websites into spreadsheets or presentation documents, it’s time to consider using a tool made specifically for the job.

The Gather Clipper Tool is a simple but incredibly powerful Chrome extension that allows you to scrape and save important product information directly from vendor websites into your team’s cloud library.

Clip once, and re-use over and over again.

  • Clip product images and information in just seconds.
  • Ensure all your company’s resources are in one place.
  • Never again forget where you found a resource online.
  • Store vendor links and information for reference later.
  • Stop wasting time finding and storing product information.
  • Quit hoarding resources between team members.

Clip Materials Online

Easily collect product and material information from any website in seconds.

Access From Any Location

Log in from any computer and have access to your entire product & material library.

Interior Design Project Management Reports Icon

Specify in Your Projects

Easily add products & materials to projects for specification.

Clip an item to Gather, then move it through your entire process.

Gather's Clipper Tool


1) Clip From Your Favorite Sites

Collect product images and information with the click of a button.

The Gather Clipper Tool will even scrape important information automatically for you to save you time.


2) Specify it in Projects

Once an item has been clipped to Gather, you can organize and specify it for use in projects. Create budgets, export FF&E and client-facing documents, track its status, and more.


3) Share & Reuse with Everyone

Since any item that you or your teammates clip to Gather is saved to a searchable cloud-based resource library, reusing and re-specifying objects is easy and fast. Enter information once, and use it again and again.

Start Sourcing Products 4 Times Faster Today